Just One Reason I Need an MBA

So I got this email from my Mom today and instead of deleting it like so many forwards I receive, I read it. Now, I know it’s a silly idea, but boy does it sound nice… mainly to the greedy Josh inside. I don’t know enough about financial… uhh… stuff to say if any of…


Here’s a new site I’m reading through pretty thoroughly (when I get the time). Every four years I end up stumped on some of the issues because I haven’t followed the history of many of the issues… this is a bit of a Cliff’s Notes to help me out. I only found it a few…


http://www.hundredpushups.com I just finished week 4. You should give it a whirl. This morning was my latest test and I hit 55, which is slightly disappointing. With minute long breaks between a total of 5 sets I can do well over 100.


While I enjoyed Palin’s speech last night (yes, I managed to stay up, but I was doing work whilst it was going on, so it’s okay), I have to say that I get tired of each side bashing each other. Okay, sure, making the other side come off bad is a part of the process…


So Blogger added this thing called “Following” and “Followers”. I’ve started following the blogs that I can, but what stinks is that a) not everyone has feeds set up so that I can follow and b) no one is following me yet. It’s okay, though. I understand. If you want to start using the feature,…

Potty Time Part II

Piper went to the potty this morning! She woke up, asked to go to the potty, we put her on and then ten minutes later we heard a miraculous tinkling sound! Last night, even, we put her on and she pooped. We still have to work on flushing and wiping and all that ancillary stuff,…

I Thought I’d Have More

Here are my results via the poll via Laurie via Andrea via Bianca via The Omnivore’s Hundred Only 43/100!?!? I’m going to have to get to work! 1. Venison2. Nettle tea3. Huevos rancheros4. Steak tartare5. Crocodile6. Black pudding7. Cheese fondue8. Carp9. Borscht10. Baba ghanoush11. Calamari12. Pho13. PB&J sandwich14. Aloo gobi15. Hot dog from a street…

Gettin’ Ahead and Talkin’ Bout Poop

Gonna make this quick, but last night Piper pooped in the potty. Gross! However, she did, and it’s a start. She recognizes when she is or is going to potty most of the time. Last night was a fluke where we were all eating dinner and she started grunting and leaning sideways in her chair…

It’s the Tooth

So, on Tuesday Ashley had a wisdom tooth out. It had been bothering her all weekend and she could barely open her mouth and chew. So she went in, they said they could take it out, and out it came. At the end of August she’ll be having the last two out, which is going…

First Tomato

This is our first Tomato of 2008! Actually… it’s our second. I picked the first and gave it to Piper and said, “Here, Honey, you hold onto this while Daddy gets this other one.” I turned to pick another, and when I turned back I found she had eaten/mauled about half the tomato was going…