
While I enjoyed Palin’s speech last night (yes, I managed to stay up, but I was doing work whilst it was going on, so it’s okay), I have to say that I get tired of each side bashing each other. Okay, sure, making the other side come off bad is a part of the process now, but being rude doesn’t cut it as far as winning me over. The nice thing is both (all?) sides are doing it so I get to base my vote on other criteria.

I’ll have to admit, she got folks energized. I’m also glad she didn’t go too much into her family’s personal life in response to the media frenzy around it all. I don’t think her daughter being pregnant reflects on her… she’s 17. I don’t know a single 17 year old that isn’t going to rebel in some way. So she’s pregnant and keeping it; I think that’s fantastic, not a role model kind of situation, but fantastic all the same.

I was perturbed that someone wasn’t home with the baby rather than keeping him up that late, but it was nice to get to see him too. Maybe other moms/dads watching felt the same?

(I haven’t seen any political posts lately so I thought I’d try to get the ball rolling.)

0 Comments Add yours

  1. NicoleH says:

    I have a sneaking suspicion that Trig may have been slipped a little benedryl. With all of that noise he was out.

  2. stepmom says:

    I wouldn’t exactly call Trig as “being up” either. But you know 4 mo. olds from a big family learn to sleep through a lot.
    Overall I thought she did a smashing job. I was touched, working with so many special needs kids, to think what it would be like to have someone in office that cares so personally and let’s the world know what a blessing they can be.

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